AR - Gamifying BBVA

In this photo exhibit the user finds that, upon framing a picture with a smartphone, they enter the BBVA Augmented Reality experience. First, the personal data of the subject is displayed, name and last name, age and role within BBVA. This is followed by a 3D animation of the new company tower, with a marker indicating the office’s floor belonging to the subject.
The second part of the game consists of a Swipe action, which reveals a key concept that the subject personifies. Furthermore, the action triggers an text overlay of a phrase by the subject, accompanied by a 3D animation which complements the meaning of such phrase. Finally, the experience ends with the “Creating Opportunities” logo. Once this dynamic is revealed, the user goes on to play with other portraits to uncover which concept lies “behind” each photograph of the exhibit.



La Content Factory
Alvarez Thomas 1988
1427 CABA